European Micropezids & Tanypezids

Countries are thirsty for summarized data and insights for policy-making but we are running short of tools (Martinez, 2023)


Stilt & Stalk Fly Recording Scheme


Newsletters began in 2020 as follows:

  • Sumner D. (2023). Newsletter #5. Stilt & Stalk Fly Recording Scheme A (4 V5): 1–6. Newsletter 5
  • Sumner D. (2022). Newsletter #4. Stilt & Stalk Fly Recording Scheme A (4 V4): 1–6. Newsletter 4
  • Sumner D. (2021). Newsletter #3. Stilt & Stalk Fly Recording Scheme A (4 V3): 1–6. High Res. Low Res
  • Sumner D. (2020). Newsletter #2. Stilt & Stalk Fly Recording Scheme A (4 V2): 1–4. High Res. Low Res
  • Sumner D. (2020). Newsletter #1. Stilt & Stalk Fly Recording Scheme A (4 V1): 1–16 Newsletter 1

Some of the older newsletters may have faulty url links (they were good at the time)

Newsletter #5 will be the last one on this archived site. Please consult Dipterists Forum or the Journal on the iNaturalist project for news of any continuation.

Though not producing separate Newsletters until 2020, the scheme has published a series of short reports in the pages of Dipterists Forum Bulletin.

Dipterists Forum Bulletin #87
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #86 p8
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #84 p7
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #82 p5 (Tony Irwin)
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #81 p10
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #80 p7
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #79 p5
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #78 p5
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #76 p6
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #75 p5
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #67 p6
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #65 p6
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #60 p9
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #59 p5
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #58 p7
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #55 p10
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #54 p6-7

Name changed to Stilt & Stalk Fly Recording Scheme

Dipterists Forum Bulletin #53 p10
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #52 p8
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #51 p6-7

Name changed to Stilt & Stalk Fly Study Group:

Dipterists Forum Bulletin #50 p6  
Dipterists Forum Bulletin #48 p6

Begun in 1999 as Small Acalypterate Families Study Group
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith