Neria schumanni
Soós, 1975: (translation)
Male - Head (Fig. 1) a little longer than high (6:5) and as wide as long (6:6)
Eyes almost round, their longitudinal axis only a little longer than the horizontal. Forehead forwards only slightly narrowed, almost parallel sided, twice as long as wide, measured in the middle. Forehead bright yellow, the rearmost part with the crestal plates and the vertex together reddish-brown, silver-gray frosted, but in the middle a rectangular spot, which also the black one. Ocellar triangle bordered, dark yellow-red and not pollinated. Lower face, cheeks and the lower part of the back of the head pale yellow, white shimmering, with the exception of the greasy sensor pits. Upper part of the back of the head dark blackish brown, in the vicinity of the vertical bristles slightly lighter, silver-gray dusted. Palps short, pale yellowish-white, the mouth edge far from reaching. Proboscis shiny rusty yellow with light root. All three antenna elements monochrome bright yellow without the slightest darkening. 3rd limb short oval, only slightly longer than wide. Arista black, their thickened roots black-brown, nude or microscopically very fine pubescent.
Chaetotaxy: vti, vte, l ors, 2 n, sa, pa, 1 dc, 1 sc. All macrochaetes yellow.
Thorax (Fig. 2) throughout yellow, but in the middle of the thoracic back, with a broad, shiny black longitudinal stripe, which widens noticeably at the anterior margin of the back; the breast side is dark brown. Mesonotum glossy rusty-yellow, very sparse with short, bright hairs, but each one well-recognizable acrostic bristle row on both sides of the black central stripe. Propleuren and surroundings shiny bright yellow, Meso and Pteropleuron shiny rusty yellow, Sterno and Hypopleuron frosted yellow, grayish white frosted, at the former a large, at the latter in the middle a small dark brown spot. Scutellum brownish black, very sparse frosted; Subapical bristles very tiny. Mediotergite black, upper lateral tergite reddish brown.
Legs pure bright yellow, the last Tarsenglieder (tarsal links) not darkened in the least part. The hips of the first pair of legs very strong white shimmering. Hindquarters in front of the top with a wide, sharp, black Ring, at the center legs no rings, even no traces of such. Wings about three times as long as wide (16: 5), the Abdomen slightly superior, about twice as long as the Abdomen. Transparent, slightly browned, a1 reaches the rear edge. Halteren pale yellowish white
Abdomen brownish black, scattered with bright, rather long, projecting hairs. Tergites 4. to 7. with yellow edge and lateral stripes, on 7 . the broadest. I. Sternite blackish brown, the following light yellow, but in the middle more or less blackish brown. 8. Tergit and Epandrium yellow, partly dark brown on the lateral sides, very shiny. The branches of the copulation forceps (fig. 3) extremely wide, domed shell-shaped, plain shiny yellow, its rear edge, with two opposite anvil-shaped protrusions. The ventral projections short and higher, the dorsal appendages much longer, but very low (fig. 4); the former densely hairy (whether its end is sawn or not, could not be determined without preparation), edge of the latter beaded. Since only the holotype is available, no genital preparation has been made.
Body length: 5.5 mm; wing length: 5 mm.
Ozerov, 1990 (translation)
The species was described by a single male from the Caucasus (Soos, 1975). In our material (the Caucasus, North Ossetia, the vicinity of the village of Burok in the Tsey Gorge, 25-31VII.1988, AL Ozerov) 9m and 10f were present.
Female: The length of the head in the profile is greater than the height (6:5). The forehead is yellow-brown. The ocellar triangle and the majority of the nape are black. Top of forehead and back of the head are gray. The lower third of the back of the head, cheeks, face and palps are white. The antennae are yellow. Arista black, slightly thickened at the base, in the basal half in very short adjacent hairs, then naked. The middle part is shiny, red-yellow, with a black longitudinal stripe.
Chaetotaxy of mesonotum: 2 npl, 1 spal , 1 pal, 1 dc
Pleural chest in a whitish coating, with the exception of anepisternites and anepimerons, the surface of which is mostly shiny. Proepisterna, humeri, proepimerons, often anepisterna and anepimerones are yellow. Proepisterna with delicate light hairs. The anterior lobe of the катэлистерн (? part of sterna maybe katepisterna) is more often brown than yellow, the posterior is often yellow. Merons are usually always brown, with a number of long blond hairs along the posterior margin. Black ???tergite (Днатергит), with a gray patina, under the shield brilliant. The scutellum is black, brown along the edges, entirely whitish.
The legs are yellow. Middle tibia at apex with a vague black ring. Apex of hind tibia with distinct black ring. Wings transparent with yellow veins.
The abdomen is black. I + II syntergite in a whitish coating. The surface of the remaining tergites is shiny, with the exception of a narrow strip of white plaque along the anterior margin. VIII abdominal segment elongated, slightly tapering to the apex. The width of the VIII abdominal sternite is greater than the width of the VIII tergite. In dry specimens, the edges of the sternite are bent to the dorsal side so that they almost cover tergite VIII.
Body length 5.4 - 6.1 mm. The wing length is 5.6-6.4 mm.
Males and females of C.schumanni collected by us in the same places as C.caucasica.
Temperate humid or semi-humid mountains, Caucasus.