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European species
Chyliza vittata Meigen, 1826
Subfamily: ChylizinaeTribe: Chyliza
Identification: Head: Eyes large in relation to head; Arista with distinct white pubescence. Occiput & frons extensively yellow Thorax: Yellow. Wings hyaline with darkened tips Legs: Femorae yellow with feint bands
Collin, 1944: This is the most extensively yellow, and most delicate looking species. It approaches C. annulipes in having indications of dark bands, at least on hind femora, but in addition to being a less black insect, has a more distinctly pubescent arista. [figures in Iwasa 1989]
Key: Bygebjerg, R., Munk, T., & Elnif, J. (2011). Chyliza leguminicola Melander, 1920 (Diptera: Psilidae) new to the Palaearctic fauna. Entomologiske Meddelelser, 79(2), 73–84.
Europe: Countries (published), online at Fauna Europaea, Occurrences at GBIF
UK: Recording Scheme map of occurrences 2016 (verified.) Online (NBN Atlas) via Easy maps or Interactive Atlas