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Home » European species » Diopsoidea » Psilidae » Psilinae » Loxocerini » Imantimyia » Imantimyia nigrifrons - (Macquart, 1835)
European species
Imantimyia nigrifrons (Macquart, 1835)
Tribe: LoxoceriniGenus: Imantimyia
Imantimyia nigrifrons (Macquart, 1835)
Vernacular names:
Vernacular name:
Small Reed
Identification: . The black scutellum is a distinctive distinguishing character in a photograph
Greve & Skartveit, 2001: The best character to distinguish L. nigrifrons from the other species of Loxocera is the weakly, but clearly infuscated wing ribs. The hind tibia can also often be coloured brown in the middle parts (Hennig 1941). L. nigrifrons has also a very dark thorax compared to other Loxocera. (written before the name change from Loxocera to Imantimyia)
Lyneborg, 1964: Frons and scutellum all black. Smaller species (5-7mm)
Europe: Countries (published), online at Fauna Europaea, Occurrences at GBIF
UK: Recording Scheme map of occurrences 2016 (verified.) Online (NBN Atlas) via Easy maps or Interactive Atlas