Psila merdaria
Identification: Key feature of P. fimetaria and P. merdaria is the presence of thoracic markings in the shape of two pairs of spectacles (elongated towards the rear). The markings may be very feint. This species is similar to P. fimetaria and may be differentiated as folloows:
P. merdaria: Eyes not quite so large but similarly reniform, not rounded. Third antennal joint rather larger but NOT darkened on outer side about base of arista; hairs beneath second antennal joint shorter; arista with rather shorter pubescence. Scutellum slightly longer in proportion to width and the pair of strong bristles not quite so widely separated. Wings with a yellower tinge, especially about veins
These characters are rarely evident in photographs unless a sharp image of the head is obtained
Europe: Countries (published), online at Fauna Europaea, Occurrences at GBIF
UK: Recording Scheme map of occurrences 2016 (verified.) Online (NBN Atlas) via Easy maps or Interactive Atlas