European Micropezids & Tanypezids

Countries are thirsty for summarized data and insights for policy-making but we are running short of tools (Martinez, 2023)


AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
W. Hennig193644. Tanypezidae
B. Britvec2004[Appendix to Diptera Important for the Agriculture and Forestry of Croatia in light of the Faunistic Researches]
V. JacintoSubmitted[TITLE BLANK]
N. P. Krivosheina, Krivosheina M. G.1997A contribution to the biology and morphology of the larvae of Megamerinidae (Diptera)
P. (Ed.) Chandler2010A Dipterist's Handbook (2nd Edition)
D. Belgers2010A new locality of Pseudopomyza atrimana (Meigen, 1830) in the Netherlands
J. Roháček2012A new record of mass occurrence of Pseudopomyza atrimana (Meigen), with notes on probable breeding habitat of the species (Diptera : Pseudopomyzidae)
N. P. Krivosheina1979A new representative of the family Pseudopomyzidae from the Palaearctic fauna and the taxonomic position of this family in the system of Diptera
M. Carles-Tolrá1993A new species of Chamaepsila Hendel from the Czech Republic, with a key to the bicolor-group species (Diptera, Psilidae)
M. J. Ebejer2019A new species of Micropeza Meigen from Morocco and a provisional key to the West Palaearctic species (Diptera: Acalyptrata, Micropezidae)
J. E. Collin1959A new species of Psila (Diptera, Psilidae) from Yugoslavia
S. B. Wakerley1959A new species of Psila Meigen (Diptera: Psilidae) from northern England
L. Clemons2002A note on the occurrence of Chamaepsila luteola in Kent
S. J. Falk, Ismay, J. W., Chandler, P. J.2016A Provisional Assessment of the Status of Acalyptratae flies in the UK
M. C. D. Speight, Chandler, P. J., Irwin, A. G., Williams}, M. {de Courcy1985A provisional list of Irish Psilidae (Diptera)
S. Hewitt2014A provisonal checklist Cumbrian Diptera
S. A. Marshall, Buck, M., Skevington, J. H., Grimaldi, D.2009A revision of the family Syringogastridae (Diptera: Diopsoidea)
L. Greve, Nielsen T. Randulff1991A survey of the family Micropezidae in Norway
A. Freidberg1984Acalyptratae of Israel: The Family Micropezidae (Diptera)
M. von Tschirnhaus2008Acartophthalmidae, Borboropsidae, Chyromyidae, Micropezidae, Odiniidae, Opetiidae, Periscelididae, Pseudopomyzidae, and Tanypezidae in the Stilfserjoch National Park (Italian Alps)
R. Andrade, Gonçalves A. Rita2014Acartophthalmidae , Pseudopomyzidae And Xylomyidae – Three Families Of Diptera new to the Portuguese Fauna
L. Dvořák2020Additional data of several Diptera families from Georgia and Azerbaijan
L. Papp2009Additions to the Diptera fauna of Hungary
M. Carles-Tolrá, Andrade R.2011Algunos clúsidos , lauxánidos y psílidos de Portugal (Diptera: Clusiidae, Lauxaniidae y Psilidae)
K. G. V. Smith1989An Introduction to the Immature Stages of British Flies
L. N. (Ed) Kidd1963Athene: A Journal of Natural History and Microscopy V1 #4
W. Hennig1936Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Kopulationsapparates und der Systematik der Tanypeziden (Dipt., Acalypt.).
G. P. Strobl1904Beue Beitrage zur DipterenFauna der Balkanhalbinsel
C. F Thompson, Evenhuis N. L.1999Bibliography of the Family-Group Names of Diptera
V. Nilsson-Örtman2011Bidrag till kännedomen om de acalyptrata flugorna. Del 2. Pseudopomyzidae – hur och var hittar man en reliktfluga?
D. P. Sumner2021Biogeography, Phenology & Status of Micropezids & Tanypezids in the UK (Diptera, Nerioidea & Diopsoidea)
D. P. Sumner2021Biogeography, population dynamics and status of Micropeza lateralis Meigen, 1826 (Diptera, Micropezidae) in Europe
J. K. Barnes2015Biology of Compsobata univitta (Walker, 1849) (Diptera: Micropezidae: Calobatinae)
T. Kere, Sekuli, R., Popovi, A.2016Bolesti i štetočine u hortikulturi (Diseases and pests in horticulture - in Croatian)
T. Kere, Sekuli, R., Popovi, A.2016Bolesti i štetočine u hortikulturi (Diseases and pests in horticulture - in Croatian)
A. Arnold2004Bombyliidae , Conopidae und Micropezidae ( Diptera ) aus dem Osten des Kreises Bitterfeld / Sachsen-Anhalt
G. E. Rotheray, Robertson D.1998Breeding habits and early stages of seven saproxylic acalypterates (Diptera)
D. P. Sumner2018British Isles Atlas: Micropezids & Tanypezids (Diptera, Nerioidea & Diopsoidea) 2016
J. E. Collin1945British Micropezidae
D. P. (Ed) Sumner2009Bulletin of the Dipterists Forum #68
D. P. (Ed) Sumner2013Bulletin of the Dipterists Forum #76
H. St. J. Donisthorpe1930Calobata calceata Fall. (Micropezidae, Diptera) a species new to the British list
A. Karpa2008Catalogue of Latvian Flies (Diptera: Brachycera)
Á. Soós, Papp L.1984Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Vol. 9: Micropezidae - Agromyzidae
P. Grootaert, De Bruyn, L., De Meyer, M.1991Catalogue of the Diptera of Belgium
M. Carles-Tolrá2002Catálogo de los Diptera de España, Portugal y Andorra (Insecta)
A. E. Stubbs2004Chamaepsila key
M. Chvála1997Check List of Diptera (lnsecta) of the Czech and Slovak Republics
M. Barták, Carles-Tolrá M.2009Checklist of Diptera of the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Psilidae Loew, 1861
S. Pakalniškis, Rimšaitė, J., Sprangauskaitė-Bernotienė, R., Butautaitė, R., Podėnas, S.2000Checklist of Lithuanian Diptera


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith