European Micropezids & Tanypezids

Countries are thirsty for summarized data and insights for policy-making but we are running short of tools (Martinez, 2023)


The expeditions detailed below were organised by Dipterists Forum. They comprise 148 expeditions conducted since 1973, details of them all may be downloaded as a spreadsheet here:

  • Version 1 (developed from Alan Stubbs report in Bulletin #47)
  • Version 2 (additions by Peter Chandler, amendments by Martin Drake & Keith Alexander).
  • Version 3 (additions & amendments by Rob Wolton)
  • Expect updated versions from time to time as Open Data work continues, additional material is found and converted and reports written.

Archival resources related to epoch 3 summer field week expeditions (see Bulletin #93 for an account) may be found here as they become available:


Field Week 2018 (Stoke)

Field Week 2016 (Canterbury)

Field Week 2015 (Nottinghamshire)

Field Week 2013 (Lancaster)

Field Week 2011 (Exeter)

Field Week 2006 (Lewes)

Field Week 2005 (Durham)

Field Week 2004 (Wiltshire)

Field Week 2003 (Suffolk)

  • Bulletin accounts: Bulletin #55 Spring 2003 p22, #56 p13 (Ivan Perry)
  • NBN Atlas (pending).

Field Week 2000 & 2001 (Cornwall)

Field Week 1999 (Grange-o-Sands)

  • Bulletin accounts: Bulletin #46, #47, #48 ()
  • NBN Atlas

Field Week 1998 (Dorset)

  • Bulletin accounts: Bulletin #??p22, #??p13 (Mike Howe & Mick Parker)
  • Howe, M. A., Parker, M. J., & Howe, E. A. (2000). Dorset Field Meeting 27 June to 4 July 1998. Dipterists Forum Occasional Publication, 1, 167.

  • Open Data published to NBN Atlas within the Natural Resource Wales dataset. Will require a filter based on dates and location.


Field Week 2019 (Stirling)

  • Sites handbooks (Sumner 2018)
  • Bulletin accounts: Bulletin 92

Field Week 2012 (Speyside)

  • Bulletin accounts: Bulletin #74 p15 (Chris Spilling)
  • NBN Atlas (pending). 33 attendees

Field Week 2008 (Cairngorms)

  • Bulletin accounts: Bulletin #67 p23 (Roger Morris & Judy Webb)
  • NBN Atlas (pending).

Field Week 2002 (Inverness)


Field Week 2017 (Snowdonia)

  • Bulletin accounts: Bulletin #82, p20, #84, p11, p27 (Alan Stubbs)
  • NBN Atlas (uploaded May 2021).

Field Week 2014 (Bangor)

  • Bulletin accounts: Bulletin #76, 31; #78 p22 (Martin Drake)
  • NBN Atlas (pending)

Field Week 2010 (Pembroke)

  • Bulletin accounts: Bulletin #70 p15 (Roger Morris)
  • NBN Atlas (pending).

Field Week 2009 (Swansea)

  • Bulletin accounts: Bulletin #68 p22 (Roger Morris)
  • NBN Atlas (pending). 31 attendees

Field Week 2007 (Aberystwyth)

  • Bulletin accounts: Bulletins #64 & #65 p30 (Judy Webb)
  • NBN Atlas (pending). 27 attendees

Field Week 1997 (Abergavenny)

  • Bulletin accounts: Bulletins #43, #44
  • Published in Howe, M. A. (1998). Field Meeting of the Dipterists Forum at Abergavenny, June 1997 (Report No. 98/5/2). Natural Science Report, 98/5/2. (Download)
  • Open Data published to NBN Atlas within the Natural Resource Wales dataset. Will require a filter based on dates and location.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith